
If you normally take blood pressure, heart or seizure medication in the morning, take it with a sip of water on the day of your surgery, as directed by your physician and/or anesthesiologist. Do not take any diabetic medications or use insulin the morning of surgery unless specifically instructed to do so by your anesthesiologist. If you use an inhaler or migraine medication, please bring them with you to the Surgery Center.


Please wear loose, freshly laundered clothing to ensure your comfort. Please do not bring any valuables with you, with the exception of a method of payment if necessary. Please refrain from using lotion, oils or perfumes after bathing, and remove nail polish if you are having hand or foot surgery.

Pediatric Patients

A parent or legal guardian must remain at the Surgery Center at all times when a child under the age of 18 is having a procedure. You may be with the child before and after the procedure. Two adults should accompany the child home — one to drive and one to take care of the child. Please bring your child’s freshly laundered favorite blanket or stuffed animal. We offer afternoon tours for you and your child 1-2 days prior to surgery. Our experienced pediatric nurses will be available to answer any questions you may have at that time and make the process more comfortable.